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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  November 8, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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republicans go crazy, like rob ford on crazy. >> here's a tip if you write for one of the most widely read gun magazines, write about gun control and your readers will freak out. a super storm and super funny guy you need to meet. you're in luck, it's all going down in "the cycle." >> it's the best time of the year, the rockefeller center christmas tree is in place just outside of 30 rock. lighting is december 4th. don't miss it. this holiday season many home santa will bring them a job. it's the first friday of the month so it's jobs report friday, despite the october shutdown that delayed the last
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report, the economy added a net gain of 204,000 jobs. the official unemployment rate ticked up one tenth of a percent, not too bad considering 440,000 furloughed workers were counted among the rolls. i need somebody to explain why that happened. the participation rate dropped again, more and more americans are giving up hope of finding a quality job. president obama today in the big easy saying more u.s. exports means more u.s. jobs. >> in so many ways this port is representative of what ports all around the country do, they help to keep our economy going. moving products, moving -- moving people, making sure that businesses are working, growing our economy, creating new jobs and helping middle class families regain a sense of stability and security. so they can find good jobs and make sure their kids are doing better than they did. that's always been what america is about. but for too many people, that
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sense that you can make it here if you try, that sense has been slipping away. >> somebody screwed up and let luke russert out of the capitol and he's now in new orleans, what's going on there? >> reporter: thank you so much, i'm here at the port of new orleans which resembles the set of season two of "the wire." president obama came here to tout exports, specifically naming the panama and column bee an free trade agreements, one of the busiest thoroughfares in world, touting infrastructure is gate because we can nation build at home. a lot of the same we've heard from the president touting his economic message to appropriate money to build -- rebuild america, aging bridges and roadways and things house republicans will not do because it's spending and more stimulus. it was quite interesting today, he unexpectedly, president obama
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pivoted towards health care. we thought the speech would be pivoting towards the economy to get off health care but the white house did not want to have the interview with chuck todd yesterday when president obama apologized for part of the health care law to be the only sound bite going into the weekend. the president issued a full throated defense of it today, essentially rehashing a lot of talking points we heard from 2010 about how the reason the law is so important, it did not go into effect, the emergency room visits would cost the economy more. there is a lot of great insurance programs out there and ribbed bobby jindal, who is here on site, saying that he had you expand the state's medicaid pool. it was fascinating to see the president bring up health care once again, did not want to let what happened with chuck by the last word for the weekend. it probably won't make house republicans any more accepting of the idea of spending more
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stimulus dollars but folks in new orleans are happy to see the president. and mitch landrieu, his sister though, guys was not. she rode air force one down here, tough re-election battle, she sat this out with previously scheduled conflicts, et cetera. back to you in new york. >> i'm sure it's going to be fun hanging out in new orleans for luke russert tonight -- >> you know what you want to hang out with me? >> cut him off. >> time for our dynamic duo, peter, i'm going to start with you, telling me it's a great jobs report, seems like a great jobs report, always happy to hear more entering the workforce. the participation rate has ticked downward since the last i saw you. now we're at 62.8% on the participation rate. that doesn't make me happy. i know it doesn't make you happy. overall, still a good jobs report? >> it's better than we expected and better than we've been
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getting. let's hope we continue in the right direction. we need about double that to get unemployment down to 6% over three years but things are getting better. >> i want to turn to jared on the shutdown impacts here. look at the chart that came from the economic advisers here today, your old colleagues, which shows in the red and blue, a different account to the workers out temporarily. it seems hard to calculate that and yet the white house is saying we lost at least 2 billion in productivity. how much of the shutdown and economic brinksmanship is still hurting our economy? >> you certainly don't see as much as you would have expected in the jobs report. part of that by the way is misclassification. some of the workers furloughed should have been counted as being unemployed but they were counted as being just absent from work. on the payroll side, it's different. this gets very gnarly. because they kept their jobs and
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ultimately got paid for jobs, furloughed workers are counted on the payroll side. that gives a better picture of the underlying economy and i agree with peter, it shows that the job growth is doing a bit better than we thought. where i think you're going to see the shutdown really show up is in fourth quarter gdp, which everyone expects to slow down to be a desell race off the 2.8 pop we got for gdp in the third quarter that we learned about yesterday. >> one takeaway, especially in the face of a government shutdown, when you have more than 400,000 people temporarily laid off added to unemployment, obviously, the economy was actually much more resilient than many economists expected. and you may agree with me or not on this. i'll throw this to you. some are saying look, the economy is doing better in this situation. maybe we should wean off this easy money from the federal reserve talking about a year
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from now. maybe we should do that sooner rather than later? >> i don't know i'm ready to wean off the easy money. i would like it done soon because it's has negative effects on resource allocation. to say we're out of the woods, especially given the caliber data we had this month, as jared said to me in the green room, there was more noiz than message. so we need to be very careful about saying this is a trend. let's wait and see. >> what's your take? >> now you know the kind of cool conversations we have in the green room. >> yeah. >> be a fly on that wall. >> the signal to noise ratio was low. but there's been other research recently that i have found to be convincing and compelling that suggests that the fact the economy has been so weak for so long is actually doing lasting damage to important things like the rate of gtp growth and labor force participation, that really
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is something to be mindful of. if fewer people are participating in the labor force, the economy will grow more slowly because we're using fewer of our inputs. i agree, we are not out of the woods and the fed needs to keep the economic policy pedal to the metal. >> i saw an excellent piece about how much our short term dysfunction can have in impact over the long term. i want both of you to weigh in on the president who says before he was for more an increase, saying getting behind a specific proposal that exists with the congress, what kind of impact could an increase to $10 as minimum wage make? >> well, i'll start. i think it would help. what we have seen over time -- by the way we have 20 states that have their own minimum wage card in the federal level. we've been able to do the
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pseudoexperimental testing to see if the negative impacts come forth. moderate increases in the minimum wage of which i would call this, do what they are supposed to do, help boost the earnings of those at the bottom of the pay scale and they have been left behind. i'm all for it. >> i think it would boost the earnings of people at the bottom of the pay scale if they kept their jobs. the places where we see local minimum wages tend to be wages in general are higher and where there are better employment prospects. i don't know it's meaningful to say because the minimum wage is higher in washington state than raising it in mississippi won't cause unemployment. that said, let's bear in mind the minimum wage is woefully low by historic standards. if we're going to have a money mum wage and economist will accept that, then it clearly is not set where it should be. i think that's well put. i will say that the studies have tried to control for presisly the thing peter is talking
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about, compare economies that are just the same. it's quite rigorous research and damped the oppositions -- >> i would be careful about making that statement. it tends to be influenced in the eye of the researcher. >> i think we should give it a shot and see what happens. if it doesn't go well, we can bring it back. >> how about that? >> i don't think it's going to be a lot of harm to be honest. >> i'll with that plan. >> then it's settled. >> now we just have the congress to worry about but i'm glad we worked it out. >> raising the minimum wage for millions who need that would be a huge help to the economy. jared bernstein and peter, thank you very much. president obama's apology and kathleen see breel yus trying to make things go right in georgia, preparing this heart of glass we got. in the nation, sometimes bad things happen.
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♪ >> president obama is wheels up to miami where he will attend three fundraisers in three hours, plenty of time to party it up on south beach later. could use a chance to unwind. it has been a bit of a trying week for the obama care rollout. a small number of americans buying insurance in the private marketplace before the law went into effect received cancellation notices. republicans also jumped on a broken promise from the white house that that wouldn't happen. last night the president opened
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up to our very own chuck todd. >> even though it's a small percentage of folks who may be disadvantaged, it means a lot to them and scary to them. i am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. we are proud of the consumer protections we put into place. on the other hand we want to make sure that nobody is put in a position where their plans have been canceled. >> joining us now with his views on the president's mea culpa, is tom davis, a republican from the beloved -- my beloved commonwealth of virginia. he has also been known i think it's fair to say, congressman as a moderate voice in the gop. thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you. >> i wanted to ask you right off the top. your response to the president's apology last night and state of the obama care rollout thus far? >> it's been a difficult rollout
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for them and continue to be. remember when the speaker said we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it. when she what she meant, not that people didn't understand reading it but the economically, who's going to opt into it, are companies going to stay in your current health care or go to obama care. all of those kind of issues are yet to be resolved by the marketplace and it's going to take time to see how it comes out. it's been a difficult rollout and the problem with that is politically people will believe what they want to believe. going into this, the republican narrative has some legs and quarters and almost saved ken cuccinelli in virginia. >> what do you think about the context of the apology from the president. some republicans think about the governing responsibilities here, many others have lies and misstatements from death panels to base beingally taking the
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entire medicare debate and treating it in my opinion as a political football rather than trying to figure out how we get expanded coverage to people who can't is a ford health care in this country. we're still waiting on apologies from those folks in the tea party? >> this has been overhyped on both sides. this has gotten in the political sphere -- i don't know what else you can say, it was overpromised on both sides, what it would deliver and how bad it is. in the old days they would have taken a bill like this and you would have gotten a technical corrections bill and you could have fixed it. today in a polarized area we're in and bill stuffed through congress on a one party vote, you're not getting technical corrections bill. they couldn't even get the bill to conference where you fix out the loose ends. the result of this it's going to be difficult to roll it out. >> that's exactly right. the reality is, november 30th is around the corner, only three weeks away which is why we're
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hearing a less enthusiastic tone from the president. he even admitted himself he's a bit skeptical about guarantees when it comes to the website. congressman, the blame game aside, the reality is, this is the law no matter how you feel about it. it's only a matter of time before republicans have to step up to plate and be part of the process. i want to know from you as a republican yourself, what you think the right role is for republicans strategically as we begin to move forward into the 2014 elections? at what point do they say we want to help? >> i was chairman of the campaign committee two cycles. don't take away the knife. i think at this point the administration is stumbling on its introduction of this both through the website, from people getting canceled from their plans. they don't have to overdo this thing. it's going to take a while to get grapes adjusted and the republicans will let this play out and not make meaningful corrections until after the election.
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they did offer the president a lifeline in terms of deferring the whole thing for a year. they might have been smart to take that and had time to get the website up, get the citizen more coined with what it was going to do. i think it's going to be at least a tough few months in terms of its rollout, whether they can get it ingested by next fall, i don't know. there are nervous democratic senators right now. >> that's absolutely true. yes, it's going to be a tough couple of months, but the long-term future looks different than some pundits are saying. we have some saying we're facing a death spiral, but pointed out in such detail this week, that is just not possible given there's so much safeguards within the law, some of them are institutional, i don't have to explain to you and some are free market things. he quotes a health -- preventional health blog saying you have the worst case scenario where year one is bad and the last thing insurers want to do is raise prices so much they
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can't get the healthy people when they come in. when people choose an insurer, they don't want to leave them. they don't want customers going else with and market share going elsewhere. this law is not going anywhere. even though this short term future looks difficult, certainly the long term future is definitely an america that includes this law. >> as i said, in the old days, you take a bill this massive and find out mistakes are made and markets act differently than maybe you anticipated and you come back and fix them and correct them. in this political environment, i don't see that happening until after the 2014 midterms. >> congressman, you alluded to ken cuccinelli's loss earlier. we may see the ag race still being counted, may see a democratic sweep, the first time the democrats held all statewide offices in virginia. what do you attribute cuccinelli's loss to? >> i attribute it to a number of things. first of all, you have to
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remember mcauliffe was a target rich candidate for republicans and had less experience. coming into the election, probably one of the more vulnerable democrats to run. and the president's numbers in terms of favorable were lower than four years ago. virginia's tendency to vote against the president, this should have been a big year for the republicans. they have to look and see what did we do wrong. you had a very divided party and ticket that was one faction oriented coming out of a convention. and you had republicans walk away independents walk away. you've got to appeal to the middle in virginia. i think although ken took the independents at this point, the overemphasis, overidentification with social issues, the exit poll probably hurt him and probably killed him. you could be prolife and be elected. but if you overemphasize those issues sometimes, it's certainly a bad things in urban virginia. that's where he got crushed zbld if bill bowling had the nominee,
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think he would have been governor? >> i think bob mcdonnell would have been elected as well. >> congressman tom davis, thank you for your time. in addition to your political career and not one, but two new jersey hot line political trivia genius awards, you also won the golden mug, beating out martin frost and rush holt in the legends division. rush holt is a former jeopardy champion. i also happen to be a champ. welcome to the winner's circle. we might face off this march. better watch out. >> thanks. >> tomorrow morning at 8:45 eastern for the golden cup, free polish food and appearance on "the cycle." melissa harris perry and mara skiav campo, you will not see
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the biggest storm of the year and possibly ever. super typhoon haiyan brought wind gusts as high as 235 miles per hour. damage and loss of life are expected to be catastrophic. to give you perspective, hurricane katrina was a category 3 storm when it hit new orleans. when we measure beyond 5, it would be somewhere in the neighborhood of a 7. secretary of state john kerry arrived in geneva today. the british french and german foreign ministers are also there. an initial agreement vofling iran reigning in -- is appare apparently close to a done deal.
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essentially the proof is in the pudding. a writer for "guns and ammo" has been fired for shooting his mouth off in favor of gun control. they have the right to bear arms but don't have the right to use them irresponsibleably, that drew a huge backlash, so much so that the editor is stepping down. the writer said he was only trying to encourage a healthy exchange of ideas. clearly that was a misfire. >> indeed. >> and 25 years ago today, the life of one former cyclist was changed forever when this happened. >> just a few minutes ago, i called vice president bush and congratulated him on his victory. i want to -- and i know i speak for all of you and for all of the american people when i say that he will be our president, and we'll work with him.
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this nation faces major challenges ahead and we must work together. >> of course, the only cyclist who would remember the michael dukakis presidential election to the day is steve cornacki. your team today, even supplied dukakis' favorite pizza for lunch, olive pizza. >> very greek type of pizza right there. that's right. >> there's still some left actually. >> abby, i think it's italian. >> it might be. >> they even reenacted the tank episode. >> that was my background in college. i had a film/television major -- i'm a director at heart. we rented out the sound stage and there was a $2 million production. but it was worth it. >> it captured -- >> everybody says what i really want to do is direct. you too? >> yeah. six second vines.
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>> it's your calling. >> it was amazing. clearly there are still echos of the dukakis campaign in the democratic party. something i talk about a lot. most of the talk about the weak republican party and how it can't get its act together. political parties grow in these cycles, from 1968 to 1992 there were really only four years of a democrat in the white house. that's just one out of six terms with president carter at the helm. and wasn't until an unknown governor from arkansas with a message that was appealing to the broader electorate that they won at the presidential level. take us back a little bit 25 years ago. how did the democrats eventually find their way back from the wilderness? and what can republicans actually learn from those years? >> i think 1988 is sort of the aftermath of '88 was traumatic for democrats. we look back at ronald reagan's presidency now and everybody talks about it was treated sort of in modern history, this top
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to bottom success. the reality is there was heavy reagan fatigue in this country starting in 1986 when the iran-contra scandal broke through. there was a real opportunity for democrats in 1988 to win back the white house. they had been drubed jimmy carter against ronald reagan. they thought it was the year they were going to turn it around. when dukakis lost 40 states, in 1988, that was a traumatic thing and triggered sole searching. what it really did too, empowered in the party what was called the democratic leadership council which sprung up after m mondale's loss, the party needs to move from northeast liberalism and dukakis types and think about the south area rural voters and so-called reagan democrats. that is what bill clinton sprang out. >> steve, on that point, you can
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draw a straight line from the political failures associated with dukakis to the democratic embrace of what had been a more conservative crackdown on crime on this country, including a tremendous reliance on jail, incarceration as the solution to all types of crime, including nonviolent crimes. you and i have discussed this once before. that came out of very troubling moments in the campaign, one where dukakis was asked about the death penalty and associated with willie horton, an inmate let out under certain rules, without getting into details, that he was soft on crime. democrats started to make up for that for decades after. >> it echos back even further, mcgovern and nixon and nixon's strategy how he played up crime and disorder in the streets, law and order was one of the nixon slogans back in 1968, a generational thing in the democratic party from the late '60s through late 80s got tagged
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as the weak on crime party. it was something thefrp they were trying to overcome. if you had taken a poll in the late '80s, this is around the time we like the number of murders in new york city was 2,000 a year. the issue of crime would be like the top thing people said. what's the number one issue? 30% said crime. take a toll on crime, 1 or 2 -- >> barely. not the same. >> i'm loving the hair cut, i'm not sure how it makes you look like. something -- can i remember who it makes you look like? oh, yes, that's right, from south park, it makes you look like that. >> besides the baldness and yellow, i see what you're talking about. >> when you bring up dukakis, you make me think of massachusetts and that was changed as a national symbol. kennedy made it romantic and republicans were able to reduce
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it to harvard, symbolic out of the mainstream, too smart for prime time sort of thing. we both know boston is far more than harvard. scott brown is very much massachusetts just as elizabeth warren is. and i can see a guy like chris christie coming out of somewhere, southy or some other area in the greater boston area, like massachusetts is so much more than we were tagged dukakis. >> that gets to -- the reason i like michael dukakis, if somebody is wondering, why does he care about dukakis 25 years later? i think he gets one of the worst raps and unfair raps of any sort of modern major political figure. part of what you're saying about massachusetts is this idea of him being the harvard brookline tech no craft, volvo, wine and cheese, that's the label -- this image that stuck around him.
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i think it's tremendously unfair. not who he is. if you look at his rise in massachusetts, he appealed to the first generation and second generation pride, families off the boat struggling to make it in the tough towns in the new bedfords and lawrences of massachusetts. and looked at the story of michael dukakis, and looked at his family and what he achieved in life and where his family had come from and took an enormous amount of pride. that's the story of the creation of modern massachusetts. that's the story of the creation of modern america. the other thing i would say about dukakis, the reason he matters to me, not about his ideology or politics, we can dispute that and have arguments about that. the guy is genuinely humble and genuinely cares about public service. when he lost in 1988 and left as governor in 1990, he didn't go and cash in, didn't become a lobbyist. he teaches school at northeastern.
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he answers his own phone. it's adds miral. >> love that. >> steve cornacki, everyone. i love the new jacket, fts you much better. >> the man who followed lance armstrong for many years and things didn't quite turn out as expected. >> when everyone cheets then it becomes hugely distorted and becomes a different contest, a contest of who's got the best doctor and most money, who has the biggest risk tolerance? and the guy who was that guy for this era was lance. when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up.
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[ male announcer ] campbell's homestyle soup with farm grown veggies. just like yours. huh. [ male announcer ] and roasted white meat chicken. just like yours. [ male announcer ] you'll think it's homemade. i love this show. [ male announcer ] try campbell's homestyle soup. lance armstrong now has to admit he's a liar. he's the guy who cheated worse than everyone else.
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if he had not come back after years of retirement he might have burned his image to the ground here in america. 2005 story in the french sports daily convinced much of europe he used drugs but americans were worshipping the altar of lance. the beginning of a story unraveling and amazingly it was a documentary hanging around making a film about how inspirational he was until they realized they had to tell a different story. that story is the armstrong lie. >> it's interesting, i think about that living a lie. i didn't live a lot of lies but i lived one big one. it's different. i guess. maybe it's not. >> the director of that film, the extremely talented film maker alex gibny. you walked into the situation of lance armstrong thinking we're
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going to make this film and have the ground shift and wow, we can tell a much more interesting story. >> basically i followed him throughout his comeback year 2009. i frankly thought this was a redemption story. i knew a little bit about the allegations of doping in the past. i had suspicions but i thought this was a redemption story. then suddenly, floyd landis comes out, there's a federal investigation. tyler hamilton goes on "60 minutes." i realized what i had shot was evidence about how the lie was decree it add and how it was promoted and protected. >> then the film becomes partly about you and how you made it and how you had to change? >> that's right. the only way was to understand that i was like many others, a fan. and that i got to a point where i was rooting completely unabashedly and lost any sense of perspective. then i go back in and i become the detective to try to understand how it was i was fooled. >> he truly thought he was untouchable. let's take another look at the film. >> when the truth came out, i
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told him he owed me an explanation. >> after the years and years of amazing denials. i'm not on drugs. >> he agreed to sit down one more time. >> i certainly was very confident that i would never be caught. >> here's a man living a huge lie that threaten the his job, his life, his dignity, everything he stood for. he gave you full access to his life, which is very strange. is there every a moment where you thought, this guy is hiding something? >> i always thought it but it was all about proving it. i think he was so confident that he had -- the most interesting thing about the lie is that it hid for so long in plain sight. you referenced earlier the story in 2005, it was more or less proven that he doped in 1999. nobody wanted to pay attention. a lot of other people come forward with credible allegations but the story was so compelling. this cancer survivor coming back to be better than he was before, that nobody really wanted -- the beautiful lie was more appealing
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than the ugly truth. >> did you get the sense from talking to him that he really is remorseful about doping or that he's just remorseful about getting caught? >> i think he's remorseful that he got caught. i think he still hasn't come to grips with the bigger problem. the bigger problem was not the doping. somebody says in the film this is not a story about doping, it's about power. it's how he abused the power of that story. >> hold on to that power. >> he implicated millions of cancer survivors around the world -- he didn't say, look, he said, how dare you say that i as a cancer survivor would ever use performance enhancing drugs? that is a way of implicating so many people and then went after people who told the truth. that's the other thing that people can't forgive. >> people say, look at the ged for these cancer folks and what he gave to them in terms of financially. how disappointed do you think they were when they found out
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this hero was a fraud and liar? >> they were shattered. i know a lot of people who right up to the moment he went on oprah believed -- my producer, frank marshall believed until lance told him directly that he doped. he was such a good story teller and liar, he convinced everybody. and because the belief was so high and disappoint dropped through the floor. >> fantastic film. congratulations. the armstrong lie. thank you, alex. we'll lighten the mood a little bit with comedy tweeter rob delaney who has advice for the crack smoking mayor. la's known definitely for its traffic, congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas,
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they don't throw out as much pollution into the air. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment. ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute! [ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. surprisingly bold flavor could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ohhh...oh boy! i'm falling. everybody look out! ahhhhh...ugh. little help here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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do you remember in the olden days if you were walking in the street and saw somebody with a neck tattoo, my number is up, i'm going to have my throat cut. now if you see someone with a neck tattoo you know they got it at their local muffin chop, they got a neck tattoo special and like duck into an alley. no, neck tattoo. can i read you a poem about my vegan bicycle? >> considered one of the funniest people on the internet right now and maybe he should have been invited to the twitter
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ipo launch. twitter now has about half a billion users and the average user has about 126 followers. rob delaney is approaching a million. he was crowned the funniest man on twitter, rob delaney, mother, life, falcon, yard stick turban. this is actually how you got to be so well known. >> absolutely, yeah. >> you talk about that in the book. why is it that twitter or one liners launched you in a way that your career hadn't previously? >> i don't know. it's funny, you would think you would be forgiven if you saw my tweets and thought he might be like a steven wright one liner comedian. i'm not. i meander and flal all over the stage. >> you have the hair. >> i appreciate that.
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at first i didn't have an aptitude for the short joke but i over time discovered it and it took several years before anybody paid attention to me. then it began to take off. so there was a certain point where it got insane. in the beginning i was going, tweet, dirty basement, nobody cared. >> in the book we learn about you and you used to be an alcoholic. >> sure. >> why is it that so many comics are deeply unhappy in their own life? >> my theory is that -- that -- we're all in horrible pain at all times and you stuff it down. if people who turn it into comedy, it's like if you do have alcoholism or depression or any number of terrible things that can happen to anybody, it's so -- it's even more rewarding to turn that into light and sunshine and smiles. i think it's almost like pulling something back in a slingshot. if you go dark, the energy is there to laugh and you want to so badly. that's my guess. as a nonprofessional. >> all right, rob, drinking,
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crack smoking. >> toronto mayor rob ford. if you're getting so drank you're smoking crack, then that's problematic. right. you should remember -- >> if he he does a number of things. >> it's such a nonevent -- i smoked crack at some point in the past. >> crack smoking should be a special occasion, like birthdays, you do that at a time, gather friends, make aannouncement but if you're like maybe -- you need to look in the mirror. >> to even acquire the crack -- you happen to be there -- it's not like everywhere, chewing gum, crack. >> when you walk into a situation and there's hard drugs, it happens to the best of us it's like hey, whoa, do i want to be here? i guess, maybe -- sure, i'll smoke a rock. >> and your first time smoking a rock, that's a decision? maybe you shouldn't be mayor. >> don't do that casually. really think about it and then smoke it or don't. >> and so i have a lot of friends that are dying to get into this world.
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they think they're funny, want to be comedians. not all of them are funny. but what advice do you have for folks who want to do what you do? it's a tough world. >> it is a tough world. the biggest thing is tenacity and work ethic. so many people quit every day. so maybe improve your odds by moving to l.a. or new york or london or something like that where there is more opportunities and work harder than the guy to your left and gal to you're right. >> that's really key. what about the gups -- the guns debate we were having about ammo? >> for me, the humor opportunity there is i don't think -- i think there is enough guns around. you want my -- too many. gun violence, as we know, has been trending downwards. but then there are these horrible, cataclysmic spikes and these horrible things. so with them firing that editor who said a thing that -- can't be argued. that to me is just like -- it just shows the nra puppet string pullers, oh, got to get this
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guy. it's so silly to me that people -- why don't you want to have your point of view challenged? >> absolutely. in your world, there is a lot of figurative death. like the media has to die over and over before you get good. can you talk about how long did you die out there before you're like, well, now i'm actually good? >> well, there's a thing. you have to -- you have to be sensitive, but you also have to be like blind to the fact that a lot of people are like you're not funny at all. you should quit. and you have to keep going. you know? and so it's -- so a while, you know? and i can still bomb. it still happens once in a while and when it does, you've got to study the tape and figure out what did i do wrong? i record all my shows and i don't listen to all of them, only if i did really well or poorly. >> it's weird that you would go to one audience and kill and the next audience, same jokes and bomb. >> and it's always your fault. you can never blame it on them. it might literally be their fault but you psychologically have to figure out what can i do to improve. because you have no control.
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>> we're out of time, but i want to say your performance today, mediocre and your fault. >> nobody would dispute that. >> check out rob delaney's book, the title, too long for me to read. check it out on twitty. up next, toure has something to think about, no matter where your weekend takes you. ♪
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this is a picture of a
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19-year-old detroit woman. her funeral was this morning in detroit. the story around her death is still unfolding, but we know that early last saturday around 1:30 a.m., the high school grad who worked at ford on the inspection line got into a car accident. her family says her cell phone was dead and somehow ended up on the stairway of a stranger at 3:00 a.m. according to an autopsy in the m.e.'s office he shot her in the face with a 12 gauge shotgun. the homeowner has not been arrested but it's being considered. we don't know a lot about this story, the cause of her car accident or why she knocked on that door or what her state of mind was at the time. we don't know if there was a conversation. local police say the shooter told them he thought she was a burglar and his shotgun fired accidentally. we don't know his race. the story we have so far is a black woman alone and looking for help and killed as she searched for it.
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and that has reopened wounds in the black body politic that never seem to close because the stories of tragic deaths arrive so regularly. less than two months ago, jonathan farrell, unarmed 24-year-old, recently engaged college chemistry major got into a car accident in charlotte, north carolina. he banged on a door looking for help, i woman thought he was a burglar and called 911. three officers arrived. he ran to them. one of them shot him ten times. that officer has been charged with voluntary manslaughter. a year ago, glenda moore found herself caught in the streets of staten island when her suv stalled in the midst of hurricane sandy. according to moore's as i say itter, she ran from the car, clutching her boys. she knocked on doors, begging for help, for shelter from the storm. no one helped. the storm ripped the boys from their mother's arms. they died. these stories and many like them are part of what makes so many black americans feel like outsiders, like less than full members of society. when all these stories float in
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our head and even the president's americanness is challenged extensively by citizens and lawmakers. how can we not feel like unwelcome travelers in the american project? how can we not feel like as my man chauncey de de vega wrote, s extensionally outside of what it means to be an american that black people are poisons in the body politic of the united states. chauncey reminded me that decades ago, there was a book for black travelers called "the negro motorist greed book" that let folk know where they could find hotels, gas, restaurants, when in unfamiliar areas, because so many places wouldn't take us, and it was dangerous to not know what to avoid. we no longer have laws allowing businesses to discriminate, but we still too often feel like strangers in a strange land and an unwelcoming land and hearing of a sister looking for help and a strange neighborhood, and killed is a painful reminder i pray we have some manner of
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justice for ranicia mcbride. that does it for "the cycle." time for martin bashir. >> good afternoon. it's friday, november the 8th. and regrets? he's had a few. >> we worked hard to make sure we implemented it. obviously, we didn't do a good enough job. >> lying to congress is a crime. unfortunately, lying to the american people is not. >> you have seen the anger out there. >> i regret very much we weren't as clear as we needed to be. >> this president is trying to save his political career. >> i am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me. >> are you concerned that people are going to be wondering, geez, what's the fine print he's not telling me? >> his opponents have been lying like mother [ bleep ]! >> most people know that i'm everyday working hard to try to make life better. >> a much stronger than expected october jobs report. >> i'm the president. this is my